Wie man gemeinsame E-Bike-Probleme behebt: Tipps und Tricks für eine reibungslose Fahrt

How to Fix Common E-Bike Problems: Tips and Tricks for a Smooth Ride

Key shots E-bike riders should understand the basics of e-bike design and how it works in order to diagnose and troubleshoot problems. The most common e-bike problems are battery problems, motor problems, electrical problems and...
So bleibt Ihr E-Bike in Topform: Reinigung und Wartung einfach gemacht

This is how your e-bike stays in top shape: cleaning and maintenance made easy

Key takeawaysRegular cleaning and maintenance of the e-bike is essential to extend its lifespan and ensure optimal performance.Mechanical components such as chain, brakes and gears should be regularly looked after and serviced.Special cleaning and care...
E-Bike-Diebstahl verhindern: Tipps zum Schutz Ihres Fahrrads

Preventing E-Bike Theft: Tips for Protecting Your Bike

Key takeaways Basic anti-theft measures such as locking the e-bike to a solid object and using a high-quality lock can minimize the risk of theft. Choosing the right storage location can also help minimize the...
E-Bike-Diebstahl verhindern: Tipps zum Schutz Ihres Fahrrads

Preventing E-Bike Theft: Tips for Protecting Your Bike

Key takeaways Basic anti-theft measures such as locking the e-bike to a solid object and using a high-quality lock can minimize the risk of theft. Choosing the right storage location can also help minimize the...
Die besten Methoden zur sicheren Aufbewahrung Ihres E-Bikes im Winter: Tipps und Tricks

The best methods for safely storing your e-bike in winter: tips and tricks

Key takeaways Thorough cleaning and maintenance of the e-bike is an important first step to ensure that it gets through the winter well. The e-bike should be stored indoors to avoid moisture and cold. A...
Ebike Test: Die besten E-Bikes von GRUNDIG

Ebike test: The best e-bikes from GRUNDIG

Key takeaways There are many different types of e-bikes, from city bikes to mountain bikes and trekking bikes. There are many features to consider when choosing an e-bike, such as range, engine power and type...
Welcher E-Bike Motor ist der Beste? Eine Expertenanalyse

Which e-bike motor is the best? An expert analysis

Key takeaways Choosing the best e-bike motor depends on individual needs. Grundig e-bikes offer a wide range of motors to choose from. Power, range, speed and weight should be considered when selecting the engine.
Mit dem E-Bike abnehmen: Tipps und Tricks für eine effektive Gewichtsabnahme

Lose weight with an e-bike: tips and tricks for effective weight loss

Key takeaways Riding an e-bike is a great way to lose weight and have fun at the same time. There are many benefits of riding an e-bike, including the fact that it is a low-impact...
E-Bike online kaufen

Buying an e-bike online: tips and recommendations

Buying an e-bike online: tips and recommendations   E-bikes are a modern and environmentally friendly form of transportation that have become increasingly popular in recent years. With a powerful electric motor and a long-lasting battery,...