Which e-bike is right for me? The ultimate guide to choosing

Welches E-Bike passt zu mir? Der ultimative Ratgeber zur Auswahl

Which e-bike is right for me? The ultimate guide to choosing

Electric bicycles or e-bikes are becoming increasingly popular and are continuously gaining in importance on the bicycle market. However, the variety of different types of e-bikes can lead to you being unsure which e-bike best suits your needs. In this article we would like to give you an overview of the different e-bike categories and help you choose the right e-bike.

First of all, it is important to know that there are different e-bike categories that are tailored to different areas of use. These include, for example City e-bikes, which are ideal for everyday life in the city, e-mountain bikes that are specially designed for off-road riding, or e-cargo bikes, which are ideal for transporting goods and even children.

In order to find out which e-bike best suits your needs, it is helpful to be clear about the intended use and your own needs. Factors such as the daily route, the terrain in which you are traveling and the desired transport options play an important role.

Ebikes types


Pedelecs are the most common e-bikes. They support the driver up to a speed of 25 km/h and therefore do not require any special approval or insurance. The assistance only works when the rider is actively pedaling, meaning the rider is still physically active. Pedelecs are ideal for city traffic, commuting and light leisure activities.


S-Pedelecs are more powerful e-bikes that can reach speeds of up to 45 km/h. Due to their higher performance, they are considered mopeds in Germany and require registration, insurance and a special driving license. S-Pedelecs are suitable for longer distances, faster commuting and more demanding tours. However, because they reach higher speeds, drivers should have more driving experience and be aware of the increased dangers.

E-mountain bikes

E-mountain bikes are specifically designed for off-road adventures and challenging terrain. They have powerful engines and sturdy frames to withstand the additional stresses that come with off-road riding. E-mountain bikes offer support when riding uphill and downhill, making riding on difficult terrain easier and more fun. Some models have additional features such as full suspension and special drive systems to further increase off-road performance.

Frame height and bike size

Determine frame height

The correct frame height is crucial for riding comfort and safety on your e-bike. To determine the recommended frame height, you should first measure the inside length of your legs. This measurement can be easily taken by standing with your heel against a wall and measuring the length from the floor to the groin. Then you can use a formula to calculate the frame height. For example, for e-mountain bikes:

Inside leg length (e.g. 80cm) x 0.574 = Recommended frame size (45.92cm*)

For e-city and trekking bikes:

Inside leg length (e.g. 80cm) x 0.66 = recommended frame size (52.80cm*)

The results will be accordingly rounded.

Choose bike size

Once you have determined the recommended frame height, you can choose the bike size that best suits your height and bike type. Mountain bikes tend to have a slightly smaller frame, which makes the bike sportier and more maneuverable and makes quick changes in direction easier (ADAC).

There is one for city e-bikes Table, which indicates the frame height based on your height if you don't have a ruler at hand. Please note that other types of e-bikes, such as mountain or trekking e-bikes, are designed differently and therefore require different frame sizes.

One final tip: Before you decide on an e-bike with a specific frame height, it is recommended to take a test ride to ensure that you feel comfortable and confident on the bike.

Bicycle components

Bicycle battery

The bicycle battery is one of the most important components of an e-bike. It supplies the motor with energy and has a major influence on the range of the bike. There are different sizes and power densities of batteries that can be selected depending on your needs. Higher capacity means longer range, but also results in higher weight and longer charging times.

Engine types

Choosing the right one Engine type is crucial for the riding experience and performance of the e-bike. There are three main types of e-bike motors: hub motors, mid-mounted motors and bottom bracket motors. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Hub motors sit in the wheel hub and provide consistent power transmission, but are less efficient on inclines.
  • Mid-engines are attached to the bottom bracket and provide better weight distribution and efficient pedaling support, but may have a higher noise level.
  • Bottom bracket motors are also attached to the bottom bracket, but offer direct power transmission to the chain and are better suited for sporty e-bikes.

switching system

The switching system of an e-bike has a significant influence on driving behavior and riding comfort. There are different switching systems on the market that can be selected depending on the application and personal preferences:

  • Derailleur gears are the most commonly used shifting systems for e-bikes, offering a wide range of gears to suit different conditions and riding styles.
  • Hub gears offer a smaller range of gears, but require less maintenance and allow you to change gear while stationary.
  • Stepless circuits allow a stepless choice of gear ratio and offer a seamless gear change.

Depending on individual requirements and area of ​​application, the appropriate switching system should be selected to ensure maximum performance and comfort.

Personalized factors

Purpose of trip

When buying an e-bike, the purpose of the ride is a crucial factor. Different types of e-bikes offer different advantages for different travel purposes. For example, the city e-bike is ideal for daily commuting or city trips, while the e-mountain bike is more designed for off-road adventures and challenging terrain.

On the way route

The length and nature of the route that you want to cover regularly also play an important role in choosing the right e-bike. For example, e-cargo bikes with integrated child seats or transport baskets are well suited for longer distances or for transporting goods and children. For trips in urban environments where the e-bike is often taken on public transport, a folding bike or folding e-bike would be the better choice.

Physical condition

Your own physical condition and fitness should also be taken into account in order to find the ideal e-bike. Some models offer more support for people who may not have the endurance or strength to complete longer distances or more demanding tours. In this case, e-bikes with strong motor support, such as Bosch eBike Systems, could be a wise decision.

By considering these personalized factors, each rider can find the e-bike that best suits their individual needs and requirements.

Budget and price

When buying an e-bike, budget and price are crucial factors. There are e-bikes in different price ranges, so it is important to find the right bike for your needs and available budget. E-bikes are available starting at 1,700 euros, but they can also cost several thousand euros Expert Gerteis explained.

At the beginning you should consider what purposes the e-bike will be used for. Be it for daily commuting, demanding off-road routes or as support on longer tours. Depending on your needs, different types of e-bikes such as city e-bikes, e-mountain bikes or trekking e-bikes can be considered.

Good value for money is also important. Cheaper e-bikes may offer a shorter range or less power, but can still be suitable for everyday use. Higher-priced models, on the other hand, often have higher engine power, better components and a longer battery life, which leads to better driving characteristics.

It is advisable to compare different models and providers before buying an e-bike. The E-bike finder can be helpful support. Online price comparisons and test reports should also be included in the purchasing decision.

You should also pay attention to the quality and duration of the guarantee. Manufacturers like Gazelle offer good quality as well comprehensive advice and excellent customer service. Finally, don't forget the value of extensive test rides, where you can test the e-bike in different situations to ensure it meets your needs and requirements.