Das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis bei E-Bikes: Unsere Empfehlungen

The best price-performance ratio for e-bikes: our recommendations

E-bikes are a great way to commute or take leisure rides in an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way. However, there are many factors to consider when looking for the best value for money in an...
Wie viel ist mein E-Bike noch wert? - Eine klare Einschätzung

How much is my e-bike still worth? - A clear assessment

Key takeaways The value of the e-bike is influenced by various factors, including the new price, the selling price, demand and the condition of the e-bike. There are various methods to determine the residual value...
Mit dem E-Bike durch die Alpen: Tipps und Empfehlungen für eine unvergessliche Tour

With the e-bike through the Alps: tips and recommendations for an unforgettable tour

Key takeaways An e-bike tour through the Alps offers a unique opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature while experiencing the adventure of cycling. Preparations are necessary before the tour, such as choosing the right...
Was kostet ein E-Bike? Preise und Faktoren im Überblick

How much does an e-bike cost? Prices and factors at a glance

Key takeaways Depending on the model and features, a GRUNDIG e-bike can cost between 2,000 and 4,000 euros. However, there are also cheaper e-bikes on the market that are available for around 1,000 euros. The...
Wie schnell fährt ein E-Bike?

How fast does an e-bike go?

Key takeaways The speed of an e-bike depends on various factors, including the model and safety regulations. In Germany, an e-bike is only allowed to support up to a speed of 25 km/h, while an...
WieMdreiDoes an E-Fahrrad wiegen? Alle wichtigen Informationen zum Gewicht von Elektrofahrrädern

How do MdreiDoes weigh an e-bike? All important information about the weight of electric bikes

Key takeaways The weight of an e-bike can vary depending on the model and frame size. Electrical components weigh between seven and ten kilograms. Some e-bikes can weigh up to 40 kilograms, such as cargo...
Wie lange hält ein E-Bike-Akku? Alles, was Sie wissen müssen

How long does an e-bike battery last? Everything you need to know

Key takeaways The lifespan and capacity of an e-bike battery depends on various technical aspects and usage. There are practical tips for everyday life to optimize the lifespan and capacity of the battery. Regular maintenance...
Fahrradkette richtig reinigen: Tipps und Tricks

Cleaning the bicycle chain properly: tips and tricks

Key takeaways Regular cleaning and care of your bike chain can extend the life of your bike and improve the efficiency of your ride. Use a cleaning agent specifically designed for bicycle chains to avoid...
Nabenschaltung oder Kettenschaltung: Was ist die bessere Wahl?

Hub gears or derailleur gears: which is the better choice?

Diploma Whether you choose a hub gear or a derailleur gear depends on the intended use and personal preferences. A high-quality gearshift enables fast, reliable and comfortable driving. My Bicycle Dealer's guide provides useful details...