Buying an e-bike online: tips and recommendations

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Buying an e-bike online: tips and recommendations


E-bikes are a modern and environmentally friendly form of transportation that have become increasingly popular in recent years. With a powerful electric motor and a long-lasting battery, it is possible to cover long distances without exhausting yourself. The range of e-bikes is now very large and it can be difficult to find the right model. One way to buy an e-bike is online.

There are a few things to consider when buying an e-bike online. First, you should consider what type of e-bike you need. For example, trekking e-bikes are suitable for longer tours, while city e-bikes are suitable for everyday use in the city. The budget also plays a role. There are e-bikes in all price ranges, from affordable entry-level models to high-end bikes with lots of extras.

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Advantages of buying an e-bike online

Buying an e-bike online offers many advantages over buying it in a brick-and-mortar store. Below are some of the key benefits.


Buying an e-bike online is extremely convenient as it can be done from home. The buyer does not have to go to a store to buy the bike. Instead, he can order it quickly and easily from home. The e-bike is delivered fully assembled by a shipping company. The buyer therefore does not have to worry about transporting and assembling the e-bike.

Wide selection

The selection of e-bikes is larger online than in a brick-and-mortar store. Online shops often have a larger selection of models, colors and sizes. The buyer can therefore choose the e-bike that best suits his needs. Customer reviews make the purchase decision easier and help the buyer choose the right e-bike.

Price comparisons

Another advantage of buying an e-bike online is that the prices are often lower than in a brick-and-mortar store. The costs for shop rent, sales staff, advice, etc., which in stationary retail have to be co-financed through the sales price, are eliminated. The buyer can therefore buy the e-bike at a cheaper price. However, it is important for the buyer to compare prices to find the best deal.

How to choose the right e-bike online

If you're looking to buy an e-bike online, there are some important factors to consider to ensure you find the right model for your needs. Here are some tips that can help you choose the right e-bike online.

Determining the right type of e-bike

There are different types of e-bikes that are suitable for different purposes. Before you buy an e-bike online, you should consider what you will use it for. For example, if you want to use an e-bike for your daily commute, a city e-bike is a good choice. On the other hand, if you enjoy riding uphill, you should consider an e-mountain bike. It's worth researching the different types of e-bikes to find the right e-bike for your needs.

Understanding e-bike specifications

When purchasing an e-bike online, it is important to understand the specifications of the e-bike. Some of the key specifications include engine power, battery capacity, maximum range and brakes. A higher engine power usually means more power, but also higher costs. A higher battery capacity means a longer range, but also higher costs. It's important to understand the specifications to ensure you choose the right e-bike for your needs.

Choosing the right e-bike dealer online

Before you buy an e-bike online, you should make sure you choose a reputable dealer. Check the retailer's reviews to make sure they are reliable and offer good customer support. It is also important that the dealer offers a good selection of e-bikes and that they are able to help you if you have any questions or problems.

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Safety when buying an e-bike online

When buying an e-bike online, it is important to pay attention to safety. Below we explain some aspects that should be taken into account when choosing a reputable online retailer.

Secure payment methods

When buying an e-bike online, it is important to pay attention to secure payment methods. Consumers should make sure that the online retailer offers a secure payment method, such as PayPal or credit card. These payment methods offer protection against fraud and can be used to reclaim the money in the event of problems.

data protection

Data protection is an important aspect when buying e-bikes online. Consumers should ensure that the online retailer has a privacy policy and adheres to applicable data protection laws. It is important that the retailer does not share customers' personal information with third parties and that the data is kept secure.

Guarantee and return policy

When buying e-bikes online, consumers should make sure that the dealer offers a guarantee and a return policy. The warranty should be at least one year and should cover the repair or replacement of defective parts. The return policy should allow customers to return the e-bike within a certain period of time if it does not meet expectations or is defective.

Overall, when buying e-bikes online, consumers should make sure that the dealer is reputable and adheres to applicable laws and regulations. By taking the above aspects into account, consumers can ensure that they are purchasing a high-quality and safe e-bike online.

Maintenance and care of e-bikes

E-bikes are a great way to travel around the city or in nature in an environmentally friendly way. However, to ensure that the e-bike lasts for a long time and always functions reliably, regular maintenance and care is essential.

Battery care

The battery is the heart of the e-bike and should therefore be treated with particular care. To extend the life of the battery, it should be charged regularly, even when the e-bike is not in use. It is also important not to completely discharge the battery as this can shorten its lifespan.

A damp cloth should be used to clean the battery. It is important not to use aggressive cleaners or water jets as this can damage the battery.

Tire care

The tires are another important part of the e-bike and should be checked regularly. It is important that the tires always have the correct air pressure as this can extend the life of the tires and improve driving performance. It is also important to check the tires for cuts or cracks and repair them if necessary or replace the tire.

General maintenance tips

There are a few other important points that should be taken into account when maintaining and caring for e-bikes. This includes regular checking of the brakes, gears and chain. All screws and nuts should also be checked for tightness.

It is also recommended to clean the e-bike regularly to remove dirt and dust. Care should be taken not to use aggressive cleaning agents or water jets, as this can damage the sensitive electronic components.

Overall, regular maintenance and care of the e-bike is essential to ensure a long service life and reliable function.

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Buy e-bike accessories online

Anyone who owns an e-bike knows that there are a variety of accessories that can make cycling even more enjoyable and safe. Below are some important e-bike accessories that you can buy online.


A helmet is essential to minimize the risk of head injuries in an accident. There are a variety of helmets designed specifically for e-bikes. These helmets are usually slightly heavier and offer better protection than traditional bicycle helmets. You should make sure that the helmet fits well and completely encloses your head.


A good lock is a must to protect the e-bike from theft. There are different types of locks, including U-locks, chain locks, and folding locks. U-locks typically offer the best protection, but they are also heavier and bulkier than other locks. Chain locks are lighter and more flexible, but may not provide the same protection as U-locks.


Good lighting is important for driving safely in the dark. E-bikes usually come with headlights and taillights, but you can also purchase additional lighting to increase visibility. There are a variety of lighting options, including flashing lights that attract the attention of other road users.

There are many other accessories that you can buy for an e-bike, such as luggage racks, bike computers and bike bags. When buying e-bike accessories, you should make sure that they are suitable for your own e-bike and meet the requirements.

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Legal aspects when buying an e-bike online

When buying an e-bike online, buyers should consider a few legal aspects to protect themselves from unpleasant surprises. This section explains the most important legal regulations and insurance requirements for purchasing an e-bike online.

Legal regulations

When buying an e-bike online, the same legal regulations apply as when buying in a store. The dealer is obliged to deliver a safe and functional bicycle. The buyer has the right to return the bike within 14 days without giving any reason. This also applies to e-bikes.

When buying an e-bike online, buyers should make sure that the bike meets legal requirements. In Germany, e-bikes with a power of up to 250 watts and a maximum speed of 25 km/h can be ridden without a license or insurance. E-bikes with higher power and speed are considered mopeds and require registration and insurance.

Insurance requirements

There is no insurance requirement for e-bikes with a power of up to 250 watts and a maximum speed of 25 km/h. However, it is advisable to take out liability insurance to protect yourself in the event of an accident. The costs for such insurance are comparatively low.

Insurance is required for e-bikes with higher performance and speed. These e-bikes are considered mopeds and must be registered. The costs for registration and insurance are higher than for conventional e-bikes.

When buying an e-bike online, buyers should make sure that the bike meets legal requirements and, if necessary, take out insurance to be covered in the event of an accident.

E-bike financing options online

For many people, an e-bike is a big investment. If you don't have enough money to pay it immediately, you can finance it online. There are many options for e-bike financing. Here are some of the best ways to finance an e-bike online:

1. Financing through the online shop

Many online shops offer financing options for the purchase of e-bikes. For example, offers Bike24 financing with a term of up to 12 months. You can buy the e-bike and pay for it in monthly installments. The interest rates are usually low, so you can buy the e-bike at an affordable price.

2. Credit card

Another way to finance an e-bike online is to use a credit card. Many credit cards offer 0% interest for a limited period, so you can buy the e-bike and pay for it in installments. However, you must ensure that you pay the installments on time to avoid interest and penalties.

3. Personal Loan

You can also take out a personal loan to finance an e-bike online. Many banks and lending institutions offer personal loans with low interest rates. You can apply for the loan and buy the e-bike. However, you must ensure that you repay the loan on time to avoid interest and penalties.

4. Leasing

Another way to finance an e-bike online is leasing. You can lease the e-bike and make monthly installment payments. At the end of the leasing contract, you can return the e-bike or buy it at a reduced price. However, you need to make sure you understand the terms of the lease before you decide to do it.

Overall, there are many ways to finance an e-bike online. However, you must ensure you understand the terms and conditions before choosing a financing option.

E-bike delivery and assembly

When buying an e-bike online, it is important to know how delivery and assembly works. Most online retailers deliver the e-bike 90-95% pre-assembled. However, the exact assembly instructions vary from dealer to dealer.

Some retailers offer their own instructions on how to make the final adjustments at home. For example, there is detailed instructions for the final assembly of the e-bike.

Other dealers like Bike24 offer comprehensive pre-assembly by expert mechanics. This means that the e-bike is ready to ride in just a few steps and can be used straight away.

If you still need help setting it up, some dealers like: a stationary assembly service at the dealer. The e-bike can be professionally assembled and adjusted there.

It is important to read the assembly instructions carefully and follow all steps exactly. This ensures that the e-bike functions safely and reliably.

Frequently asked questions about buying an e-bike online

Buying an e-bike online can be a good choice to save time and money. However, there are some questions you should ask yourself before making a final decision. Here are some frequently asked questions about buying an e-bike online:

1. How much should I spend on an e-bike?

E-bike prices vary widely and depend on various factors such as the brand, model, size and features. It's important to set a budget and stick to it. A good e-bike can cost between 1,000 and 3,000 euros. However, it is possible to find a cheaper e-bike if you are willing to sacrifice some features.

2. How do I find the right e-bike for me?

There are many different types of e-bikes, such as e-city bikes, e-trekking bikes, e-mountain bikes and e-racing bikes. Before you buy an e-bike, you should think about what type of bike you need and what features you need. It is also important to consider the size of the bike to ensure it is comfortable to ride.

3. How can I make sure the e-bike is of good quality?

It is important to purchase an e-bike from a reputable dealer that offers a warranty and customer service. You should also read reviews from other customers to ensure that the e-bike is of good quality. It is also advisable to take a test ride to ensure that the e-bike meets the requirements.

4. How can I make sure the e-bike is safe?

It is important that the e-bike has the necessary safety features, such as brakes, lighting and reflectors. It is also important to wear appropriate protective equipment, such as a helmet and gloves. When purchasing an e-bike online, you should ensure that it meets the required safety standards.

5. How can I make sure the e-bike is the right size?

It is important that the e-bike is the right size to ensure that it is comfortable to ride and that you have control over it. Before buying an e-bike online, you should make sure you know the correct size and that you check the manufacturer's size chart.