Die 9 besten Bikeparks in Österreich: Die Top-Bikeparks in Österreich im Überblick

The 9 best bike parks in Austria: The top bike parks in Austria at a glance

Summary and conclusion In total, Austria offers nine great bike parks for everyone looking for action and adrenaline. For advanced riders there are challenging routes with steep descents and technical obstacles. The tires must be...
So richten Sie Strava ein: Einsteigertipps für Radfahrer

How to set up Strava: beginner tips for cyclists

Key takeaways Strava is an app that helps cyclists record and analyze their workouts. To get the most out of Strava, you should connect your GPS device to the app. Strava offers a variety of...
Kalorienverbrauch beim Radfahren: Wie viele Kalorien verbrennen Sie beim Radfahren?

Calories burned while cycling: How many calories do you burn while cycling?

How many calories do you burn while cycling? Cycling is an effective way to burn calories and improve your fitness. It is one of the most popular endurance sports that is suitable not only for professionals but...
Fahrradinspektion und Wartung mit Checkliste: Alles, was Sie wissen müssen

Bike Inspection and Maintenance with Checklist: Everything You Need to Know

Key takeaways To ensure the safety and functionality of the bike, regular bike inspection is essential. The bike inspection checklist includes 13 items, including frame, handlebars, saddle, wheels and tires, bottom bracket and crank, gears...
Tenways Ebike vs. GRUNDIG Ebike: Ein Vergleich der beiden E-Bike-Marken

Tenways Ebike vs. GRUNDIG Ebike: A comparison of the two e-bike brands

Key takeaways Tenways and Grundig are two of the best-known e-bike brands on the market. The two brands are compared in various categories, including design and appearance, engine and performance, battery and range, comfort and...
Kalkhoff E-bike vs. GRUNDIG E-bike: Ein Vergleich

Kalkhoff E-bike vs. GRUNDIG E-bike: A comparison

Key takeaways Kalkhoff offers a larger model range with higher performance and range than GRUNDIG. GRUNDIG relies on models with a modern and minimalist design. Both brands offer models with an integrated battery, which makes...
Rose E-bike vs. GRUNDIG E-bike: Ein Vergleich der beiden E-Bike-Marken

Rose E-bike vs. GRUNDIG E-bike: A comparison of the two e-bike brands

conclusion Both e-bikes have their advantages and disadvantages. The Rose e-bike is a little more expensive, but offers slightly better range and higher torque. The e-bike from GRUNDIG is slightly cheaper and has a proven...
Cube E-Bike vs. GRUNDIG E-bike: Ein Vergleich der beiden Elektrofahrräder

Cube E-Bike vs. GRUNDIG E-bike: A comparison of the two electric bikes

Key takeaways Cube E-Bike offers a wider range of designs and colors, while GRUNDIG E-Bike offers a simpler and more classic aesthetic. The Cube e-bike focuses on performance and sporty design, while the GRUNDIG e-bike focuses...
Canyon E-bike vs. GRUNDIG E-bike: Ein Vergleich der beiden E-Bikes

Canyon E-bike vs. GRUNDIG E-bike: A comparison of the two e-bikes

Key takeaways Canyon and GRUNDIG are two of the best-known e-bike manufacturers on the market. Canyon e-bikes are known for their innovative design, high performance and reliability. GRUNDIG is a relatively new player on the...